3 Tiers Storage Mobile Cart 4 Log Racking Rau Tsev

C1714S3 yog 3 tier txawb lub laub, nws loj yog (L * D * H) yog 43 * 36 * 88cm, ua los ntawm zoo galvanized steel, siv superb hmoov txau tshuab, cov khoom thickness yog 0.4-0.7 hli, lub raj loj 22 * 0.7mm thiab 22 * ​​0.5mm.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

3 tier mobile txee

Nqe lus piav qhia:

C1714S3 yog 3 tier mobile laub, nws loj yog (L * D * H) yog 43 * 36 * 88cm, ua los ntawm zoo galvanized steel, siv superb hmoov txau tshuab, cov khoom thickness yog 0.4-0.7 hli, lub raj loj 22 * 0.7mm thiab 22 * ​​0.5mm. Nruab nrog 2-nti PP log, qhov siab tshaj plaws load peev yog 45kg.

Nws tuaj yeem muab tso rau hauv chav nyob los tuav cov khoom noj txom ncauj, khoom noj txom ncauj, lossis tshuaj; Nws tseem tuaj yeem muab tso rau hauv chav dej kom tuav cov khoom siv xws li da dej gel, tshuaj zawv plaub hau, lossis txias. Cov hmoov galvanized steel yeeb nkab yuav tsis xeb kom yooj yim; Koj tuaj yeem khaws cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo, zaub, lossis khoom noj hauv chav ua noj. Yog, nws haum rau txhua qhov chaw.


1. Nws muaj ntau yam xim xaiv los ntawm. Peb feem ntau tsim cov khoom dawb, xiav, paj yeeb, xim dub, ntawm chav kawm, koj tuaj yeem kho txhua yam xim.

2. Lub laub no muaj tag nrho peb lub pallet, thiab hauv qab ntawm lub pallet yog ib qho mesh tsim, uas yog breathable thiab ntws. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum khaws cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo los yog zaub, qhov tsim ntawm no hom mesh qhov cua qhov qhov tuaj yeem ua rau qeeb qeeb qeeb ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo lossis zaub.


3. Ua los ntawm tuab galvanized steel yeeb nkab, cov qauv muaj zog, tsis yooj yim rau xeb.

tuab steel yeeb nkab

4. Nruab nrog peb-txheej qhov siab lub tais, muaj peev xwm loj dua thiab muaj zog ua tau zoo.

5. Siv lub log zoo PP universal nrog nres muaj nuj nqi, nws yooj yim rau kev txav thiab tswj tau yooj yim.

yooj yim txav

6. Flow rov qab kov yog yooj yim dua rau thawb lossis rub.

7. Cov pob tawb me me tuaj yeem ntsia tau rau ntawm lub pallet, uas ua rau muaj kev cia siab ntawm lub laub.

3 tier mobile khib

Compared with the 3-layer trolleys produced by other manufacturers, this cart produced by Abctools is really impeccable. Not only is the appearance design more beautiful and practical than similar products on the market, but the materials are also better than similar products on the market, the materials are thicker, and the product has a long service life. If you want to cooperate with us, please send us an email:info@abctoolsmfg.com

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb

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